NYCHA is now required to give residents 24 hours written notice if a utility or government agency advises NYCHA that the water is unsafe for drinking or cooking. Understanding the New York State Legislation S.2294A/A.2134A…
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Nueva Ley del Salario Mínimo en el Estado de Nueva York
A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el salario mínimo en el Estado de Nueva York ha aumentado a 16,00 $ por hora para la ciudad de Nueva York y los condados de Nassau,…
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What is a DUI?
Driving under the influence is one of the most prevalent causes of car accidents in New York. The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles shows 8,384 collisions due to impaired driving and 4,288 non-fatal…
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¿Qué es un cargo por DUI?
Conducir bajo los efectos de las drogas o el alcohol con una tasa de alcoholemia igual o superior a 0,08% es un delito. Las leyes sobre DUI en Nueva York se aplican estrictamente, con penas…
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What is a Trust versus a Will?
Wills are typically the legal tool of choice regarding end-of-life planning. They serve a purpose, though it’s essential to highlight the many capabilities of a trust in death. A trust is a private fiduciary agreement…
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Do All Wills Have to Go Through Probate?
Most estates will need to go through the probate process in New York. The one exception is a small estate valued at less than $30,000. The court uses the probate process to validate the will…
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