What is the New York Driver Assessment Program? Under the NY Driver Assessment Program, a motorist must pay the DMV each year for three (3) years if the motorist: (a) incurs six (6) or more…
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Handling Traffic Violations in Nassau and Suffolk Counties
Massapequa, New York (November 5, 2014) – MontanaroLaw, P.C., has broadened its offerings of legal services to include motor vehicle traffic violations in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Mark Montanaro the firm’s managing attorney gets phone…
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Say Goodbye to Like-gating on Facebook
Effective November 5, 2014 a common practice known as “Like-Gating” on Facebook used by advertisers, and brands in sweepstakes and contests will now be prohibited. This sort of practice allowed for a company or brand…
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MontanaroLaw, P.C. Announces Formation of Law Firm
Massapequa, New York (February 21, 2014) – Mark Montanaro announces the formation of MontanaroLaw, P.C., a law firm focused on providing a broad spectrum of legal services including litigation, transactional matters, and practical legal counsel…
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